In observance of International Anti-Corruption Day and International Human Rights Day, which will be
observed on December 9 and 10, 2023 respectively, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance will
be hosting a two-day Exhibition on, “Connecting the Anti-Corruption and human rights agenda- Guyana’s
progress” at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre.
Expo Times:
Saturday December 9, 2023 (10:00am to 6 pm)
Sunday December 10, 2023 (10:00 to 5 pm)
The Expo seeks to bring together national and international organizations working in various areas of anticorruption and human rights.
There will be an anti-corruption Panel Discussion on Saturday December 9 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The panel
discussion topic is: “Using Technology to fight Corruption.”
The Ministry has invited panelists, such as Hon. Dr. Ashni Kumar Singh, M. P., Ms. Cristina San Juan, AntiCorruption and Judicial Integrity Specialist at UNODC Anti-Corruption Hub for Latin America and the
Caribbean, Mr. Vickram Lall, Team Lead -Financial Analysis Department of the Financial Intelligence Unit of
Guyana and a representative from the Cyber Crime Unit of the Guyana Police Force.
Various agencies, including the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) will have exhibition booths, where the staff of
these agencies will be engaging visitors on the work/activities of their agencies in the fight against corruption,
human rights, ML and TF. Visitors to the FIU’s booth will get the opportunity to walk away with tokens for
answering ML/TF related questions.
Also, there will be an anti-corruption quiz made available to everyone visiting the Ministry of Parliamentary
Affairs and Governance Booth. Visitors will get a chance to win a cash prize for answering anti-corruption
questions correctly.
All are invited.
See you there!
Director – Financial Intelligence Unit